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The Bulletin Board is for gratitude for Christian Science and the Church, as well as timely excerpts from the Bible, the works of Mrs. Eddy, and the early workers that help and encourage. We are very grateful for all posts that conform to these guidelines, but will edit or remove anything that the Practitioners feel is not in complete accord with pure Christian Science or in any way disrespectful of it.

We also ask that you keep your postings as concise as possible. If you quote the Bible, please use The King James Version, as this is what Mrs. Eddy used. Thank you!

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  • #4488

    496: 6 (in)-8
    …in Christian Science the first duty is to obey God, to have one Mind, and to love another as yourself.

    OBEY, verb transitive [Latin obedio; Gr.]
    1. To comply with the commands, orders or instructions of a superior, or with the requirements of law, moral, political or municipal; to do that which is commanded or required, or to forbear doing that which is prohibited.
    2. To submit to the government of; to be ruled by.
    3. To submit to the direction or control of. Seamen say, the ship will not obey the helm.
    4. To yield to the impulse, power or operation of; as, to obey stimulus

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Love is the liberator.