Daily Watch for the week of June 17th – June 24th, 2018

From 500 Watching Points by Gilbert Carpenter

462 — WATCH lest you complain when God calls upon you for a test of true loyalty. A dog is trained by being given a bit of food as a reward, each time he obeys. The day comes when he is required to obey without the rewards. The time comes when God requires our obedience from sheer love of good, even if we get no human harmony as a reward.

It is a simple matter to want to obey God and watch thought, when rewards in human health, harmony and prosperity are promised; but Mrs. Eddy once asked this searching question (C.S. Journal, Vol. 5, page 56), “Are Christian Scientists as faithful as the seasons, birds and flowers? … Will they sing in the storm? If buds of hope disclose scarcely one blossom, and birds are silent, will they yet wait and work … ?”

To The Watchers

from Watches, Prayers, and Arguments, as given by Mary Baker Eddy, page 49

“Hear, O Israel, for the Lord, our God, is one God.”
You are not to come in your own name to pray.
You are not to control any mind.
You are to come only in the divine strength, and know that God will rule and does, and that hypnotism and evil minds cannot, and do not, control men or governments.
All power is God, good.
This is my only formula to Christian Scientists for prayer, and God will give you faith that will remove mountains.

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