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Error can't hide

The Bulletin Board is for gratitude for Christian Science and the Church, as well as timely excerpts from the Bible, the works of Mrs. Eddy, and the early workers that help and encourage. We are very grateful for all posts that conform to these guidelines, but will edit or remove anything that the Practitioners feel is not in complete accord with pure Christian Science or in any way disrespectful of it.

We also ask that you keep your postings as concise as possible. If you quote the Bible, please use The King James Version, as this is what Mrs. Eddy used. Thank you!

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  • #2217

    “If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.” John 15:22

    This meant to me that Jesus came into the world to detect sin, destroy it completely and leave no room for anything unlike God to remain. He stripped the error and there wasn’t any place for any error to hide, no cloke (a cover) or excuse.

    This spiritual sense is how a practitioner in this church heals through God. They detect the error, the cause, not the outward appearance, and destroy every part of the error. Nothing can hide from this spiritual sense. When the error is destroyed, the healing is complete.

    Thank God for Christ Jesus, Mary Baker Eddy who wrote a textbook instructing us how to live the Christ life and for establishing the office of practitioner and for our practitioners.

    “Progress is the law of God” (S&H) and doing the best we can every day will destroy error.


    This destruction of error is to see its total nothingness; important not to ever give it any reality and then work to destroy it.
    God is All, good is All so error is nothing, no power, action, substance, history or channel to work through, a total non existent lie!
    It is only a changeable belief which Truth’s light exposes as Nothing and obliterates!

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Love is the liberator.