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Reign and Rein

The Bulletin Board is for gratitude for Christian Science and the Church, as well as timely excerpts from the Bible, the works of Mrs. Eddy, and the early workers that help and encourage. We are very grateful for all posts that conform to these guidelines, but will edit or remove anything that the Practitioners feel is not in complete accord with pure Christian Science or in any way disrespectful of it.

We also ask that you keep your postings as concise as possible. If you quote the Bible, please use The King James Version, as this is what Mrs. Eddy used. Thank you!

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  • #11703
    Ron Larsen

    When reading this week’s lesson the following sentence stood out, particularly the word “reign”. I have read this text many times, interpreting this word as “rein” without giving it a second thought. Today I gave it that second thought and realized both words pertain to the truth of what Jesus said. Truth and Love have soverign power in the real man and Truth and Love control and direct the real man’s path.

    When speaking of God’s children, not the children of men, Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you;” that is, Truth and Love reign in the real man, showing that man in God’s image is unfallen and eternal.

    thank you, ron, asheville,NC


    Thank you… “Truth and Love have sovereign power in the real man and Truth and Love control and direct the real man’s path.”

    Reign also includes “authority; to exercise government, or to hold the supreme power.”

    “…man is immortal and lives by divine authority.” From Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy (page 76)

    “Authority: … power, or a right to command or to act; Power; rule; sway. Government; to prevail.” (Websters 1828 Dictionary)

    I am grateful for this Lesson. I have been using the line from Science and Health to hold in thought. My life is “by divine authority.” Truth and Love is all that has the right to act or direct, the only sovereign power and control over me. Truth and Love prevail. So I have divine authority over all that would claim any scenario or government unlike God in my life or anyone’s life. No “what ifs!”

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Love is the liberator.